
食品添加剂与调味料 食品添加剂与调味料 0532-85267888

热门关键词: 测试 K� K ,f 測試 ? K? K?keyword=K?

What effect does food water retaining agent have on shrimp?
返回列表 来源: 发布日期: 2021-12-12

It is mainly to improve the water retention quality of frozen shrimp. On the one hand, the components of water retaining agent enter the interior of shrimp through penetration and combine with muscle protein, so as to enhance the stability of protein, prevent frozen denaturation of muscle protein and improve water retention; On the other hand, the water retaining agent prevents the formation of a large number of ice crystals and prevents the loss of juice caused by cell rupture.

The use of water retaining agent can prevent the loss of nutrition caused by the loss of juice in the thawing process caused by the freezing of free water and the separation of protein bound water, as well as the impact on the quality of frozen denatured shrimp meat caused by the separation of protein bound water.

